
http://bible.com/1/1ti.2.1-2.kjv I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

We, as God’s children, must pray and intercede for those who rule over us, the people. We must pray that God will give them the wisdom to govern wisely, and to realise that they derive their power, not from themselves, but from God.



Great leaders are divinely appointed, not man made!

There is a big difference!  Moses, Joshua, the prophet Samuel, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, were divinely appointed leaders. Which one are you? A man made leader or a divineky leader? These men were all great leaders.

True leaders are the servants of the people.

True leaders are humble, not full of themselves, not filled with pride.


A person infected with the poison of pride is usually the last to know. If you would like to know if you have succumbed to the insidious disease of pride, below are several questions answer. The following questions require simply a yes or no:

1. Does any conversation in which you are involved mostly revolve around you? Yes or No

2   Do you find yourself always boasting about your accomplishments?
Yes or No

3. Do you feel that no one can do things quite as good as you?
Yes or No

4.  Do you possess a condescending attitude towards others, and as a result, find yourself talking down to others?
Yes or No

5.  Do you feel that your friends are jealous of your accomplishments?
Yes or No

6.  Do you believe, within your heart, that you are better than other people?
Yes or No

7.  Do you believe that people should listen to what you have to say, but you are not willing to listen to the opinions of others?
Yes or No

8.  Do you have to be the center of attention at every every event,  function or conversation?
Yes or No

9.  Do you try to insure that the focus of almost every conversation eventuality comes back to you?
Yes or No

Hopefully, you have answered the above questions honestly.

If you have answered yes to 6 out of the 9 questions, you can assume that you have been infected with the disease of pride. Now, what are you going to do about it?

You must keep one important fact in mind: out of all the sins that God hates, pride tops the list.

Pride is also what got the devil kicked out of heaven.

Go on your knees right now and ask God to deliver you from this spiritual sickness!


Have you ever wondered if there are any true leaders left in the world? If so, where are they? Have you ever asked yourself the question: What is a  true leader? Where are the Martin Luther King Jr’s and the Gandhi’s? Where have they gone? There seems to be serious leadership vacuum in society. What are the qualities of a genuine leader?

The Bible contains many examples of leaders in the Old Testament. God raised up leaders such as Moses, Joshua, the Judges, the various kings of Israel and Judah, Erza and Nehemiah. In the New Testament; the apostles, elders and deacons.

Unfortunately, the world today is virtually bankrupt of such men and women of renown.The would-be leaders of this present age are mostly selfish, self -centered, and seeking their own profit and gain at the expense of other people who are, more often than not, less fortunate than themselves

What does it mean to be a leader? What is the actual definition of the word, “Leader?” It is, “the person who goes first; the inspirstion or leader of a movement; a person whose example is followed.”

Conversely, the definition of the word, “Leadership,” is, “The act of of leading; the ability to be a leader. An example is the leader of an organisation or movement, such as Nelson  Mandela,” or Abraham Lincoln.

The Word of God discusses the so-called “leaders” even further: By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words.” These say what people want to hear, but they refuse to tell the truth, as written in God’s holy Word. These leaders are “speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron.”

Here are some characteristics of a true leader:

– One who depends on the Lord’s strength, not his own wisdom or intelligence
– One who obeys the commandments of God
– One who exercises Godly wisdom and knowledge from God
– He exercises justice
– Serves the people selflessly
– Leads diligently, seeking God’s guidance and direction with each step he takes

Characteristics of Destructive Leadership

– One is rebellious in his attitude and actions
– One who sets a poor example with an attitude, which says, “Do as I say, not as I do”
– Exhibits a controlling and domineering attitude
– One who seeks his own needs and desires first, before anyone else.

Finally, a true and godly leader desires to serve, not to be served.

Do you know many leaders today who fit the characteristics of a true leader as described above?